Este procedimiento es de Skrilax_CZ and C-Skills, asi que gracias a ellos, yo solo lo traduje y lo adapté.
El articulo y las instrucciones que segui esta escrito por amingv en el foro de attdroids:
(abajo la traduccion en espanol y el procedimiento que yo hice)
I really wanted to be the one to develop the rooting method, and get the bounty money T__T. Curse my lack of knowledge...
Meh, I can't possibly say I'm sad now. The rooting method didn't work on my backflip; no way I could live with that. I wanted in on root. I tried something different (based on the same exploit, mind you, I take no credit) and it worked. So maybe it'll work for you fellow backflippers who still can't root.
It's not polished (it's quite possibly rougher than the original), but hey, rooted backflip...
Download (attached, see next post) for ease of use. You can check with any text editor that there's no malicious code there, just the collection of commands from the original root method. If you want to make changes use unix-style end-of-lines as windows-style will make it fail (and if you didn't understand that last bit, you probably shouldn't be editing it...).
Put it in the same folder as the rest of the files.
Follow the steps on the original method up to here (I skipped busybox, but you can install it if you want):Code:Setup:
- Install adb unless you haven't done so and Motorola drivers unless you haven't done so
- Download attached archive
- Extract to a directory, I used c:\Moto_MSM_Root
- Make sure you have USB degugging enabled
- Change connection to PC Mode
- Open command prompt
- cd c:\wherever-your-sdk-tools-folder-is
- adb devices (to verify the connection)
- cd c:\Moto_MSM_Root
- adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
- adb push su /sdcard/su
- adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
- [...]
- adb shell
- cd data/local/tmp
- chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
And push, too.Unplug/safety-remove/whatever your cellphone and open Android Terminal Emulator from your phone, if you don't have it, you can get it for free on the market.Code:adb push /home/amin/Desktop/ /data/local/tmp/
Type this on the terminal, with the hardware keyboard of the device:Code:/data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
The program will run. A few seconds later you should be back to the $ prompt, don't type anything or close the terminal! Wait until the screen printsNow press enter to get the prompt back and type "exit". The terminal will close.Code:[+] Forked #### childs.
Open the terminal again. You may or may not get an alert telling you the terminal died unexpectedly. If you do then just dismiss it and reopen it.
You should now be in a root terminal. Yay!!!
One more step; you just need to:Code:cd /data/local/tmp
After the script runs (should be only a split second) and you get back to the prompt, typeYou may want to restart the phone (power cycle off/on) to restore the terminal back to normal.Code:exit
You're done! Your backflip is rooted!
Really hope this can be useful to someone. At the same time I reiterate I did NOT develop the exploit. All credits and thanks go to Skrilax_CZ and C-Skills. So, thank you guys .
Asi lo hice yo...
Descargue el archivo adjunto y copié todos los archivos (incluyendo a mi folder de /sdk/tools
mi folder esta en c:\sdk\tools, entonces
cmd (para arrancar el interprete de comandos)
cd sdk\tools
adb push Superuser.apk /sdcard/Superuser.apk
adb push su /sdcard/su
adb push rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin /data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
adb shell
cd data/local/tmp
chmod 0755 rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin
cd sdk\tools
adb push /data/local/tmp/
Desconectamos el cel, bajamos la aplicacion terminal emulator de el market (yo use connectbot pero es mas facil el terminalemulator), instalar la aplicacion y ejecutarla, cuando abre terminal emulator despues del simbolo $ teclear:
esperar a que aparezca:
[+] Forked #### childs. (los #### van a tener numeros en su pantalla)
tecleamos exit y cerramos (no importa que marque error)
volvemos a iniciar el terminal emulator, si todo salio bien va a iniciar en
cd /data/local/tmp
listo, reiniciar el telefono (apagar y prender)
reinicias la terminalemulator y cuando abra va a estar en
su y enter
si cambia a # el cel esta listo
Ya de aqui solo instale el root explorer para comprobar todo y borrar aplicaciones...
mas sencillo no se puede, solo me llevo el tiempo en teclear los comandos...
aqui los archivos:
(nuevo link)Aplicaciones de attRoot explorer en backflip rooteado, hay que borrar rc7_attradio_att_enzo etc... para borrar att radio
Listo, att radio borrado, root funcionando perfectamente
NOTA: NO BORRAR ATT radio si van a usar la aplicacion de Musica de ATT, yo estoy usando realplayer beta y otro reproductor asi que no me sirve toda la aplicacion de musica ATT, borrar radio afecta la aplicacion general de musica, si no saben lo que estan borrando es mejor que no le muevan.
NO ME HAGO RESPONSABLE por telefonos muertos, heridos, golpeados o en coma con este procedimiento.
Si no sabe lo que hacen mejor vayan muevanle a su horno de microondas y dejen su backflip en paz jajaja, advertidos......